Sow into the Canadian Harvest
We would be honored if you would partner with us as a donor and together we will cast out the Gospel net as “fishers of men!”
Partnering Business
You are amazing! We are so excited to collaborate in God's Kingdom with you! Thank you for your partnership.
"*" indicates required fields
Church Registration
You are amazing! We are so excited to collaborate in God's Kingdom with you! Thank you for your partnership.
"*" indicates required fields
1 eTransfer
Set us up as an contact in your online banking app. Then you can send us an Interac e-Transfer to etransfers @ . If you would like an official tax receipt please include your mailing address and contact info in the memo area. Check with your financial institution if they have the Interac AutoDeposit option to make your gift a recurring monthly donation.

2 Credit Card
Donate from your credit card with our secure webform.
3 Cheque
If you prefer not to give through online banking or credit card you can write a cheque to: Gospel Fire For All Nations
Mail to or drop off at:
Gospel Fire For All Nations
Box 3094
Tisdale, SK

4 – Automatic withdrawal
Click here to download our Automated banking withdrawal form.

Options for Americans
We work with a wonderful charity – the Friends of the Great Commission – a registered 501C charity who acts as our clearing house so that US Donors receive a tax receipt from the US Government. You can donate in 2 ways
Click here to make a credit/debit card donation (including monthly) through Friends of the Great Commission using Project F1354 :
Or write a check to:
Friends of the Great Commission with a memo for #F1354-The Original Gospel
Checks can be mailed to :
Friends of the Great Commission
PO Box 6305
Colorado Springs, CO 80934

A Call to Canadian Evangelists