
Evangelist Lorensia Kuhanga

Evangelism Training Graduate

Evangelist Tyrelle Smith taught me to be bold, be able to share the gospel with people and event share my 30 minute testimony in only 3 minutes with an altar call. This training took me out of my shell and I thank God for Tyrelle.

Evangelist Lemont Shingoose

Evangelism Training Graduate

This training changed me to be bold and share my faith anywhere and to anyone and expect God’s power to heal the sick and cast out demons with the Lord. Being a part of this training helped me gain new friends, have healthy fellowship with other evangelists and step out of my comfort zone.

Evangelist Merlyn Kauari

Evangelism Training Graduate

This training taught me how to boldly share my testimony and trust the leading of the Holy Spirit and also how to confidently preach Jesus to a crowd. I am truly thankful for the skills I learned. Thank you Evangelist Tyrelle Smith

Evangelist Fadi Shabo

Evangelism Training Graduate

This evangelism training changed my life and gave me practical ways to proclaim the gospel and win souls for Jesus Christ with boldness. I am not ashamed because it is the power of God to save people.

Evangelist Elisha Ngoie Muembo

Evangelism Training Graduate

I answered the call to be trained, mentored and coached to be a proclamation Evangelist through Evangelist Tyrelle Smith’s program.

I gave my yes in a moment of my life that was very difficult. Through dreams and visions of The Late great Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, God made known His will for me to complete this three month intensive training course.

When I graduated it The Lord challenged me to pretend preaching to 3000 people each time I practiced. Later on, I had the chance to preach The Gospel to 10000 people. I witnessed God power when multitudes came to Christ every night, demons were cast out, and miracles and healings occurred.

I thank God for Evanglist Tyrelle Smith’s program for God used it to prepare for a fruitful harvest. I recommend every aspiring evangelist to try and finish it. You definitely will be blessed.

Dany Muembo

Evangelism Training Graduate

Through this training I was reminded of the importance of the fear of the Lord and also about resting in His love. Jesus commanded us to heal the sick and raise the dead but we must be propelled by His love and loving Him more than our lives. My classmates and I got to witness a deaf man receive his hearing when we ministered to him.

Pastor Ivan Doerkson

Evangelism Training Graduate

I learned to follow the pull of the Holy Spirit to the lost. He is an amazing Fisher of Men.

Evangelist Tami Soltis

Evangelism Training Graduate
This training taught me how to trust the Holy Spirit fully
It changed my life -I’m no longer afraid to step out and trust God with my life, in word and deed.  Also how much I need to let God lead me.

Evangelist Pam Klatt

Evangelism Training Graduate

Tyrelle’s training taught me how to always introduce myself to the person in front of me so they are relaxed. She taught us how to use a story and apply it to the gospel so those Jesus has sent us to – get it! I was able to get on a bus of hockey players and share a story and then preach salvation to them in under 7 minutes. Amazing