When We Preach Good News, Good News Happens!
Proclaiming the soul-saving, signs following, gospel of Jesus Christ. Seeing souls saved around the world, and bringing in The Great Canadian Harvest.
New Event
come together sask!
Yes! God wants to meet YOU at Mosaic Stadium!
Come Together is a life-changing, catalytic, stadium event to encounter the presence of Jesus in powerful worship and receive His soul-saving message at Mosaic Stadium.

Meet Tyrelle Smith
The Gospel is a passionate message from a passionate God. Tyrelle Smith is not ashamed of the gospel. It’s God’s power to save every soul He has built heaven for.

A Call to Canadian Evangelists
I heard God speak words
that would change the nation;
“The Great Canadian Harvest”
And God’s mission
was revealed.
Are you called to preach salvation?
Latest News
Zambia Evangelism September 2022
Kasama Crusade Video Recap of Day 4 of the Gospel crusade in Kasama, Zambia with Evangelists…
Welcome Home online crusade
In partnership with 4 churches from 3 different communities, Tyrelle preached the gospel message. With gift…